четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Урок в 10 классе "Money"

Департамент освіти і науки, молоді та спорту
Запорізької міської ради
Територіальний відділ освіти Комунарського району
Спеціалізована школа з поглибленим вивченням іноземної мови №7



                                                           З досвіду роботи
                                                                            вчителя англійської мови
                                                                                    Бондаренко Наталії Борисівни

м. Запоріжжя
2013 – 2014 н.р.

Тип урока:  Урок актуализации знаний с углублением изученного материала по теме.

Цель: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции. Расширение кругозора учащихся

Задачи урока:

·        совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком;
·        обобщить лексический материал по теме и изучить новый в игровой форме;
·         обучать навыкам работы в мультимедийной среде;
·         расширять кругозор учащихся по выбранной теме;

·        развивать умение анализировать и синтезировать, доказывать, выбирать критерии для сравнения, строить алгоритм решения проблемы.

·        способствовать нравственно-этической ориентации учащихся:
·        формировать правильное представление о мире денег, их ценности и значимости,
·        формировать собственное отношение к деньгам,
·        формировать толерантное отношение к чужому мнению.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.

I.                    Lead – in.
II.                  Warm - up
The old saying goes “Money makes the world go round” It’s impossible to imagine our life without money. Each of us has his or her own attitude to money. It’s interesting to observe that though everyone says money is not a good thing, they all want to have it.
So, the main question of our today’s lesson is “Is money good or evil?” And we need to answer it.

a)      Interactive vocabulary exercises (Multi – Rom)
Firstly, I’d like you to revise the words we’ve already learnt.
1. I spend all my money … CDs and computer games.
2. There’s £10 …these T – shirts if you buy three.
3. My brother pays 20 … his savings account.
4. The DVD was only £5 … the sale.
5. We’re saving … for a computer.
6. My dad says I waste my money … clothes.
7. It’s cheaper if you pay … cash.
8. I’ll pay … it with my debit card.
b)      The next task will be to find out the synonyms to the words or word combinations(read and translate)          
Find out the synonyms.
to make smb do sth – to influence smb to do smth
to be banned – not to be allowed
clever and entertaining – brilliant and entertaining
to encourage smb to buy things – to make smb  buy things
to have enough money for sth – to afford
unhappy – miserable
worries – concerns
people – individuals                                                                                                                                           
III.                Discussion
·         So, could you tell me, what the ways of making money nowadays are?
·         And what is the most profitable way of making money?
·         What helps you to have bargains while shopping around?
T. Advertising is a great engine of our society. It is everywhere. Nevertheless, what is your attitude to the advertising?                                                                                          Are you in favour or against the
P -> P
IV.               Grammar. III Conditional
T: As you have already said advertising helps us to get bargains while shopping around. And I’m sure that sometimes some funny situations while shopping happen to you. I want you to remind or imagine some situations and ask each other questions.
1)      Write rule on the sheet of paper
2)      Ask question: What would you have done if…
V.                 Idioms with money.
T:  1) Look at the slide and on your papers. Match the idioms with their definitions.
1. to live from hand to mouth
not to have any money to save because whatever you earn is spent on food and other essentials.
2. to make ends meet
To find it difficult to pay for your everyday needs because you have very little money
3. To roll in money
 To save up for unexpected needs
4. To keep back for a rainy day
 To save up for unexpected needs
5. in for a penny, in for a pound
 Once involved, one must not stop at half-measures.

3)      Advantages and disadvantages with money.
·         If you had such a choice would you like to roll in money?
·         Why? Let’s discuss the good sides of having money.

                               (Make up sentences)
·         But we often hear that money is the root of all evil.
·         What are the cons or disadvantages? (Read and translate)

VI.                Pupils’ projects.
And now I propose you to express you attitude and ideas on topic money. (see app)
P -> P
VII.             Итоги. Song.

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